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Capillary Fittings

Perhaps the neatest and certainly the most economic way to join thin-walled stainless steel tube (to BS EN 10312:2002) is our range of stainless steel “end-feed” capillary fittings.

The capillary system offers three different joining techniques, viz adhesive bonding, silver brazing and TIG welding. Any of these techniques can be used on the full range of fittings. Adhesive bonding of capillary fittings is approved by the UK Water Research Centre (WRAS).

The Range of Capillary Fittings
These fittings are manufactured in Harrogate, UK, and are available from stock in grade 316 stainless steel : grade 304 stainless steel is available on request.

The complete range of over 350 different metric capillary fittings is available in all BS EN 10312:2002 sizes (viz 6mm to 54mm). The wall thickness of every capillary fitting is the same as that of tubing to go with it.

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